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HubSpot for better property management: Exploring your all-in-one platform

Written by Eddie Lee | 19-Sep-2023 06:00:00

Need a game-changing solution that will revolutionise your property management operation? Look no further; HubSpot is the all-in-one platform designed to meet property managers' unique needs. 

So if you're tired of juggling multiple tools and systems to handle leads, marketing efforts, sales, and your website, we'll show you that HubSpot is the key to simplifying everything. 

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Let's dive in. 


Understanding HubSpot and its features 

In our experience, as HubSpot Partners, HubSpot is the platform that handles everything from sales pipelines to marketing for your next lead. As such, it can feel rather complex, but if you pull back the veil, actually, it's an efficient way to operate under one platform instead of many. 

And that's the thing. Many of us are used to having several platforms we integrate, but here, you have marketing, sales, customer service and your content management service (CMS) plugged into the same space.  

Let's look at what HubSpot can offer in each of these areas. 


HubSpot CRM: Streamlining customer relationship management 

Your tenants are at the heart of your business, and managing those relationships efficiently is crucial. HubSpot's CRM lets you centralise all tenant data, interactions, and communications in one organised system. From lead tracking to customer communication, this intuitive CRM ensures you always catch up in fostering fruitful tenant relationships. 


HubSpot Marketing: Leveraging digital marketing for property promotion 

Marketing your properties effectively is a vital component of your success. HubSpot Marketing provides powerful tools to create and automate targeted email campaigns, engage through social media, and optimise your content marketing efforts. Showcase your properties to the right audience and attract potential tenants effortlessly. 


HubSpot Sales: Optimising sales processes and lead tracking 

Converting leads into loyal tenants requires a systematic approach. With HubSpot Sales, you can track leads through the sales pipeline, nurture relationships, and analyse interactions to make informed decisions. Say goodbye to manual lead tracking and hello to an organised and efficient sales process. 


HubSpot Website: Enhancing your property management online presence 

Your website is the face of your property management business in the digital realm. HubSpot's website tools provide a seamless way to build, customise, and optimise your property management website. With user-friendly templates and analytical insights, you can ensure your website showcases your properties in the best possible light. 


HubSpot Integration: Seamless collaboration with other tools 

HubSpot knows that you might have existing systems you rely on. Their integration ensures that all your data remains synchronised, offering you the best of both worlds – a comprehensive all-in-one platform and your preferred specialised tools working in harmony. 

Remember that you don't need to buy into every area here, so if you want to use HubSpot Sales, you can. If you want to use HubSpot Customer Service alone, you can do that too. 

Let's look at how your property management business can thrive under HubSpot. 


How HubSpot benefits property managers 

HubSpot's arsenal of features goes beyond its impressive capabilities – it directly benefits property managers in streamlining their daily tasks and achieving remarkable growth. 

Let's talk about the benefits. 


Improved lead management 

  • Efficient lead capturing - HubSpot offers customisable forms and pop-ups that make lead capturing a breeze. 
  • Organised lead tracking - HubSpot's CRM allows you to centralise all lead data, interactions, and communication, making it easy to track and nurture prospects effectively. 
  • Customisable properties on all contacts and deals - Need to start recording your Estimated Rental Value or Marketed Rental Value, no problem, just create the fields on the deal and it is ready in all your forms, integrations and selections. 

Enhanced marketing efforts 

  • Targeted email campaigns - With HubSpot Marketing, you can create personalised and targeted email campaigns. Automate your emails and segment your tenant lists for relevant communication. 
  • Social media and content marketing - You'll be able to create and schedule posts, engage directly with your audience and measure performance all in one place. 
  • Customisable content - The CMS allows you to show different content on pages based on your contact information in the CRM. If they are from overseas, you can show them language-specific content or offers relating to things like pick up and drop offs from the airport. 

Streamlined sales processes 

  • Nurturing leads - HubSpot Sales enable you to set automated follow-ups, ensuring your prospects stay engaged and informed throughout the tenant conversion journey. 
  • Tracking deals and communication - HubSpot's intuitive interface allows you to manage interactions effectively and always take advantage of follow-up. 

Optimal website performance 

  • Customisable property management websites - HubSpot's templates make it effortless to create a professional and visually appealing website showcasing your properties and services. 
  • Analysing website traffic - Understand what attracts tenants and optimise your website for better results. 


HubSpot pricing and affordability 

While HubSpot's robust features and benefits seem like a considerable investment, the platform's pricing accommodates companies of all sizes. 

Let's take a look at pricing and affordability. 


Flexible pricing tiers for bundles 

HubSpot offers multiple pricing tiers, each tailored for different business needs. We will focus on bundle pricing here, but note that the website also shows you pricing for individual elements. 


  • CRM Suite Starter - Includes Marketing Hub Starter, Sales Hub Starter, Service Hub Starter and Operations Hub Starter and is around £27 per month if you pay annually. 
  • CRM Suite Professional - Includes Marketing Hub Professional, Sales Hub Professional, Service Hub Professional, CMS Hub Professional, and Operations Hub Professional and is around £1404 per month if you pay annually. 
  • CRM Suite Enterprise - Marketing Hub Enterprise, Sales Hub Enterprise, Service Hub Enterprise, CMS Hub Enterprise, Operations Hub Enterprise and is around £4289 per month. 

All of our clients opt for either the Professional or Enterprise plans. 


Value for money 

By consolidating various systems into one platform, you eliminate the need to invest in multiple software solutions, ultimately reducing overall costs. Moreover, the automation and organisation HubSpot offers translate into significant time savings for your team, enabling them to focus on core tasks. That makes the monthly price tag value for money. 


Return on investment (ROI) 

The value you derive from HubSpot extends beyond the software cost. By streamlining lead management, optimising marketing efforts, and improving tenant engagement, HubSpot contributes directly to revenue growth. Its analytics tools enable data-driven decision-making, leading to more efficient marketing strategies and better-targeted campaigns. 



As your property management business expands, HubSpot scales with you. The platform's flexible pricing and modular structure allow you to add new functionalities and increase your usage. This adaptability ensures that HubSpot remains a cost-effective solution throughout your business's growth trajectory. 


No long-term commitment 

You can adjust your usage based on your business's changing needs with their monthly payment options. This no-contract approach empowers you to explore HubSpot without committing to long-term agreements, ensuring you can assess its benefits firsthand before making a long-term decision. 

Experimenting with a small subset of properties and teams would quickly show you how a new system could roll out and benefit the entire company. 


Successful HubSpot integration in property management 

We mentioned earlier that HubSpot integrates and plays well with other software. We believe this is why HubSpot is a strong consideration when thinking about new systems or even starting out. 

Here's why seamless integration is crucial and how it enhances your property management efficiency: 


The importance of HubSpot integration 

  • Centralised data management - Integrating HubSpot with your property management software ensures that all your data is synchronised in real-time. That means little manual data entry and a more cohesive, organised system. 
  • Effortless collaboration - Streamlined integration allows different teams, like marketing and sales, to work together seamlessly. This cohesion boosts productivity and eliminates communication gaps. 
  • Holistic tenant insights - With data from all touchpoints in one place, you gain comprehensive insights into tenant behaviour and preferences. Use this knowledge to tailor your services and attract more satisfied tenants. 

Successful integration examples 

  • Property management software integration - By integrating HubSpot with property management software like StarRez, you can manage lease agreements, rent collection, and maintenance requests while using HubSpot for marketing and lead management. 
  • Financial software integration - Combine HubSpot with financial software, like Xero, to keep track of property-related expenses and revenue while utilising HubSpot's CRM to manage tenant interactions. 
  • Communication tool integration - Integrate HubSpot with tools like HeyHub to ensure all tenant emails and inquiries are logged in your CRM, enabling prompt responses and enhanced customer service. 
  • Collaboration integrationAircall is an integration for teams, which creates or looks up contacts in your database and allows you to monitor call quality and responses. We are an AirCall partner, so contact us below if you need more information. 
  • Workflow triggersMake is a fantastic integration (we partner with) that brings data in from anything that has an API. For example, if you have a Stripe failed payment attempt, thatcan be triggered as a Hubspot task so a representative can call the customer in real time to take payment. 

Benefits of data synchronisation 

  • Reduced data duplication - Integration minimises the risk of data duplication and discrepancies, saving time and preventing errors. 
  • Automated workflows - Leverage automation to trigger specific actions when certain conditions are met. For example, automatically assign leads to sales representatives based on predefined criteria. 
  • Informed decision-making - Access to unified data empowers property managers to make well-informed decisions, resulting in optimised marketing strategies and improved tenant interactions. 

Ensuring smooth integration 

  • Consult with experts - Seek advice from HubSpot integration specialists (hey, that's us!) who can tailor solutions to your unique property management needs. 
  • Gradual implementation - Consider a phased approach to integration. Ensuring a smooth transition is essential so you limit work disruptions. 
  • Ongoing support and training - Provide your team with the necessary training to maximise the benefits of HubSpot integration and stay updated on new features and functionalities. 

Conclusion: Is HubSpot the right choice for your property management business? 

Here at Cloudfox, we believe that HubSpot can do a lot for property management, from streamlining lead management and enhancing marketing efforts to optimising sales processes and improving website performance. 

So, yes, we believe that HubSpot is an excellent choice for your business. 

In fact, we are so passionate about this software that we became partners. Meaning you can use us to implement HubSpot across your entire business. 

Are you ready to take your CRM to the next level by working with a certified partner?  

Fill in the contact form below, and we'll show you how we can get you set up in no time!