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How to import Rightmove leads into your CRM

Written by Eddie Lee | 29-Mar-2023 09:24:41

Need help figuring out how to import your Rightmove lead data directly into your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to increase your operational efficiency? Worry no more because we will take you through everything you need to know in this blog post!

We will look at what data you can extract from your property listings, how to import it into your CRM and which APIs you can use to automate future updates.

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Ready? Ok, let’s dive in. 


What data can you extract from Rightmove as a property owner? 

Rightmove allows property owners to export various data related to their property listings. This includes:

  • Property details - Including the address, property type, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and other amenities 
  • Photos and videos
  • Price history - Including any changes in the asking price over time
  • Viewing history - You can export data on the number of times your property has been viewed on Rightmove, along with the date and time of each view
  • Enquiries - You can export details of the enquiries received on your property, including the name and contact details of the interested parties 

It's important to note that the specific data that can be exported from Rightmove may vary depending on your account type and the features you use. 


Why would you extract your BTR and PBSA Rightmove data? 

Data from Rightmove can help BTR and PBSA businesses identify potential tenants or buyers and target their marketing efforts accordingly. They can use the data to understand the demographics of the people looking for properties in a particular area and tailor their marketing messages to appeal to them. 


How does exporting data affect GDPR? 

Exporting data from Rightmove can potentially have implications for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a European Union privacy law that governs how businesses collect, use, and store personal data.

Under GDPR, personal data includes any information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual, such as name, email address, phone number, or location data. When exporting data from Rightmove, it is vital to ensure that you are only collecting and processing personal data for legitimate purposes and that you have obtained the necessary consent from the individuals whose data you are collecting.

Rightmove's privacy policy outlines how it collects, uses, and shares personal data with third parties. As a data controller, Rightmove ensures that it complies with GDPR and other data protection laws. You need to do the same once that data is in your hands as a data processor.

You should seek legal advice or consult a GDPR compliance expert to ensure you comply with GDPR when exporting data. 


How to export your Rightmove data to your CRM 

Ok, so let’s imagine you have all of your GDPR compliance ducks in a row; now it’s time to export your data from Rightmove.

Here are the steps you should follow to export your Rightmove data to your CRM: 

  1. Log in to your Rightmove account and go to the "My Account" section.
  2. Under the "Export Data" option, select the data type you want to export, such as property listings, enquiries, or viewing history.
  3. Choose the format in which you want to export the data. Rightmove supports various formats, including CSV, Excel, and XML. Typically, we’d recommend a CSV file format.
  4. Click on the "Export" button to download the data file to your computer.
  5. Open the file on your computer and make sure that the column, or “field” names match the fields you have set up in your CRM (for example, First Name, Last Name, and Telephone Number). Doing this now avoids any data errors later.
  6. Open your CRM system and go to the "Import" section.
  7. Select the file you downloaded from Rightmove and choose the fields you want to import into your CRM.
  8. Map the data fields to the appropriate fields in your CRM system.
  9. Preview the imported data to ensure that everything is accurate and complete.
  10. Click the "Import" button to upload the data into your CRM system.
  11. Review the data in your CRM system and organise it, as necessary. 


By exporting your Rightmove data to your CRM system, you can streamline your property management process and ensure that your leads and listings are up-to-date and organised.


Which CRMs does Rightmove integrate with? 

Rightmove provides API access to a wide range of property-management-based CRM systems, which allows them to integrate and pull data directly from the platform in an automation function. Some of the CRMs have Rightmove integration API include:

If you're using a different CRM, you can contact Rightmove's technical support team to check if your CRM is compatible with their API. Rightmove provides detailed API documentation to assist developers to integrate with their platform.

Unfortunately, Rightmove does not have direct integrations with marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, Active Campaign, or Hubspot, as these platforms are not specifically designed for the property industry. However, it may still be possible to use a third-party integration tool or custom API integration to make this work for you. This would require technical expertise, development resources, and an understanding of the data mapping and synchronisation requirements between the platforms. 

Good luck, and don’t forget to read our other guides for more BTR and PBSA business help.